Thursday, March 29, 2012

3/29/12 - “Light” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/29/12- “Light” is the free healthy word of the day Light - the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

Discuss the word "Light” today.  Truth is a guiding light; follow it.  Sight is still one of the most amazing abilities we have.  When seeing people experience extreme darkness we crave light.  Light is one of the most beneficial energies in our life.  Natural light has vitamin – d and other beneficial nutrition for the body. Our ability to shine light through our eyes is awesome and infants seem to do it with ease.  Express your light and enjoy its shine.

Light” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you shine?  
2   Does attitude impact your shine? Why or why not?
3   Do you enjoy lots of sunlight?  Why or why not?
4.  Do people whose eyes shine enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Friday, March 23, 2012

3/22/12 - “Reassure” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/22/12- “Reassure” is the free healthy word of the day Reassure - say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone.

Discuss the word "Reassure” today.  Have you been reassuring lately?  It is a very powerful ability to remove the doubts and fears from some else.  It is even more powerful to reassure one’s self.  Live an encouraged and inspired life, reassure yourself with the significant and empowering ideas and beliefs you cherish. 

Reassure” Conversation Starters

1.  Have you ever removed the doubts and fears of someone?  Why?
2.  How do you feel after you reassure someone?
3   Do you feel better when you are reassured?  Why or why not?
4.  Do you need reassurance to enjoy your life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Thursday, March 22, 2012

3/20/12 - “Invigorate” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/20/12- “Invigorate” is the free healthy word of the day Invigorate - give strength or energy to.

Discuss the word "Invigorate” today.  We can invigorate our life everyday.  Our bodies can be strengthened with healthy foods and quality exercise.  We can invigorate our minds with beneficial ideas, conversations, and beliefs.  It’s always wonderful to invigorate a group, individual, or movement with the wealth of energy in our spirit.  Provide strong energy to all you do and enjoy being invigorating today!

Invigorate” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you an invigorating person?  
2   What do you give energy to everyday?
3   Our victims or heroes invigorating?  Why?
4.  Do Invigorating people enjoy their life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/18/12 - “Spirit” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/18/12- “Spirit” is the free healthy word of the day Spirit - the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the Soul.

Discuss the word "Spirit” today.  Celebrate your spirit today!  We all have an amazing and unique spirit.  We can enrich our spirit with thoughtful and beneficial activities, ideas, and beliefs.  Your genuine self is pure beauty; express it.  Let the brilliance of your spirit shine in all you do and enjoy your vibrant, rare, precious existence.

Spirit” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you care for your spirit?  
2   Can you improve your spirit? Why or why not?
3    Is your soul important to you?  Why or why not?
4.  Do people with a positive spirit enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3/17/12 - “Play” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/17/12- “Play” is the free healthy word of the day Play - engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.

Discuss the word "Play” today.   Play as much as possible.  Enjoying your time on earth with as many people as possible.  The children in our lives play perfectly.   Is it that serious?  Laugh, giggle, and be ridiculous.  “The pursuit of happiness” is as important to all of us Americans, as the rights to life, and liberty.   Play everyday and enjoy a light your joyful heart!

Play” Conversation Starters

1.  Who can you play with today?  
2   Do you play everyday? Why or why not?
3   What is life without liberty or happiness?
4.  Do people who play often, enjoy life?  Why?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Sunday, March 18, 2012

3/16/12 - “Music” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

 3/16/12- “Music” is the free healthy word of the day is Music - a sound perceived as pleasingly harmonious.

Discuss the word "Music” today.   Life is filled with music.  Our hearts beat and our lives exist, because of its rhythm.  We love harmonious sounds, so much, we attempt to create them all day.  Singing out loud or thumping our fingers, people are always making music.  Fill your life with amazing music you and enjoy life's endless party! 

Music” Conversation Starters

1.  What is your favorite song?  
2   Does music impact you? Why or why not?
3   Do you make music?
4.  What word is music to your ears?  Why?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Saturday, March 17, 2012

3/15/12 - “Mighty” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/15/12- “Mighty” is the free healthy word of the day is Mighty - possessing great and impressive power or strength, esp on account of size.

Discuss the word "Mighty” today.  Being mighty in the face of challenges and obstacles can be very beneficial.  We can practice strengthening our will power, until it becomes a mighty ally on our quest to accomplish our goals.   It often takes mighty will power to transform stubborn or hard obstacles into accomplishments and rewards.  Be mighty in your efforts and enjoy being successful!

Mighty” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you mighty?  
2   Do you have a powerful personality? Why or why not?
3   What is your strongest character trait?
4.  Do mighty people enjoy challenges?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3/14/12 - “Intuition” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/14/12- “Intuition” is the free healthy word of the day is Intuition - the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Discuss the word "Intuition” today.  Have you experienced intuition before?  Learning to practice, trust, and use your intuition will benefit you immensely.  Life is full of fast decisions and intuition gives us instant opportunity to choose what’s best for us.  Enjoy knowing things on a deeper level and trust your intuition!

Intuition” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you have strong intuition?  
2   Do you think being psychic is the same as intuition?
3   Who do you know realize on intuition frequently?
4.  Can strengthening your intuition increase your joy?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3/13/12 - To get the “Healthy Words” you need to succeed, visit the link below.

3/13/12 - “Teach” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/13/12- “Teach” is the free healthy word of the day is – Teach - show or explain to (someone) how to do something.

Discuss the word "Teach” today.  Can you think of an amazing teacher?  Great teachers effortlessly place knowledge and understanding into your mind.  Teaching is an awesome way to improve another person’s life.  It also can enhance our knowledge of the subject we explain to others.  Teaching others is great, yet teaching one’s self how to do something, can also be very rewarding.  There are endless opportunities to learn more each day.  Enjoy teaching people and improving their lives!

Teach” Conversation Starters

1.  Who was/is you favorite teacher?  Why?
2   Do you ever teach other people how to do something?
3   Can you think of someone who can benefit from your teachings?
4.  Can you be taught to enjoy life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/12/12 - “Equilibrium” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/12/12- “Equilibrium” is the free healthy word of the day is Equilibrium - a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

Discuss the word "Equilibrium” today.  It’s important to seek balance in life.  Viewing challenges from a clear and balanced perspective, creates terrific opportunities to understand the various sides of any circumstance.  How often do you feel balanced?  Can you create equilibrium in your life?  Take time, stop and center yourself.  Allow things to move around you like the winds of a tornado.  Enjoy the calm that comes with equilibrium and have excellent peace of mind today!

Equilibrium” Conversation Starters

1.  Have you ever felt complete balance?  
2   Do you ever desire balance in your life?
3   Can you think of someone who exemplifies equilibrium?
4.  Do people who can manifest states of equilibrium enjoy life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Monday, March 12, 2012

3/11/12 - “Self - concept” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/11/12- “Self - concept” is the free healthy word of the day is self-concept - an idea of the self constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others.

Discuss the word "Self - concept” today.  Who do you think you are?  What do you believe about yourself?  It’s important to update our ideas and beliefs about our self regularly.  We are changing physically, emotionally, and spiritually in very significant and powerful ways.  Adjust yourself concept annually, if not more often.  We change daily, enjoy changing your concept of yourself.  
Self - concept” Conversation Starters

1.  How would you describe yourself?  
2   What beliefs do you hold dear to your heart?
3.  Who do your friends think you are? 
4.  Do people with a positive self - concept enjoy their life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/10/12 - “Explore” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/10/12- “Explore” is the free healthy word of the day is Explore - travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.

Discuss the word "Explore” today.  Life is often described as journey.  I think it is and I think we need to explore our planet and our minds.  There are so many amazing places and thoughts to explore that we can always become familiar with new and exciting ideas and places.  Embark on your day as an explorer and learn all you can about yourself and the world you live in.  Enjoy your adventures and explore your hearts desires!

Explore” Conversation Starters

1.  What new place have you explored recently?  
2   Do you explore ideas?
3.  What is your favorite adventure to date? Who did you explore with and how long was your adventure?
4.  Do people who travel a lot enjoy their life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/9/12 - “Choice” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/9/12- “Choice” is the free healthy word of the day. Choice - an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.

Discuss the word "Choice” today.  Our ability to select from possible decisions is remarkable.   It is important to practice making beneficial choices.  As we design our lives, the choices we make will shape our journey.  Care about your choices and enjoy the ability to choose today!

Choice” Conversation Starters

1.  What choices have improved your life?  
2   Who have you chosen to be your friends?
3.  Are their decisions you regret? Why or why not?
4.  Can you choose to enjoy your life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Thursday, March 8, 2012

3/8/12 - “Appreciate” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/8/12- “Appreciate” is the free healthy word of the day is Appreciate - 1. Recognize the full worth of. 2. Be grateful for (something).

Discuss the word "Appreciate” today.   We can appreciate so much in life.  The people in our life enjoy being appreciated.  Tell your loved one’s something awesome about them now!  Tomorrow never seems to get here, so today is an excellent day to express your appreciation for the people and things you’re grateful for.  Most importantly, we can appreciate our self, and recognize our personal worth.  Appreciate your life and enjoy it now!
Appreciate” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you appreciate your life?  Why or why not?
2   Who do you appreciate?
3.  What are you grateful for?
4.  Do you think people who appreciate their life, enjoy life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3/7/12 - “Nourishment” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/7/12- “Nourishment” is the free healthy word of the day is Nourishment - the substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

Discuss the word "Nourishment” today.   We are responsible for the quality and care of our over all health and well-being.   As we mature from adolescence in to adulthood, we gain complete control of our choices.  When we choose the proper nourishment, be it mental, physical, or spiritual nourishment, we experience good health and a better quality of life.  Nourish yourself properly and enjoy radiating excellent health!

Nourishment” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you nourish your mind?  How?
2   Who do you know with radiant health?
3.  What is your description of excellent health?
4.  Do you think people with proper nourishment enjoy life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6/12 - “Impressive” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/6/12- “Impressive” is the free healthy word of the day is –Impressive - evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill: grand, imposing, or awesome.

Discuss the word "Impressive” today.  When we are passionate, confident, and skillful we evoke admiration.  As we seek to accomplish our goals we can impress ourselves with our effort and dedication.  Look for opportunities to be impressive in all you do.  Practice, practice, and practice again, so you can experience being awesome at your passions.  Be impressive and enjoy being awesome!

Impressive” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you awesome at something?
2   Who do you think is impressive?
3.  What character traits do impressive people exude?
4.  Do you think impressive people enjoy life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Monday, March 5, 2012

3/5/12 - “Contribute” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/5/12- “Contribute” is the free healthy word of the day is – Contribute - give (something, esp. money) in order to help achieve or provide something.

Discuss the word "Contribute” today.  Look for opportunities to help other people succeed.  We all need assistance to accomplish our goals.  Think of all the moments people contributed to your life.  Our life’s legacy is woven by a thread of personal choices weave a life of achievement by supporting and benefiting people and groups you choose to celebrate!   
Contribute” Conversation Starters

1.  What groups, organizations, or people do you help?
2   What contributions have you made to benefit others?
3.  What contributions can help you achieve your goals?
4.  Do you think people who gladly help others, enjoy life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Sunday, March 4, 2012

3/4/12 - “Ideas” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/4/12- “Ideas” is the free healthy word of the day is – Ideas - Opinoins or beliefs.

Discuss the word "Ideas” today.  What opinions or beliefs shape your life?  We can consistently and effortlessly enjoy life more, when we include positive and beneficial ideas in our life.  Marketers understand the importance of ideas and how they influence our decisions.  It’s very important, for each of us to decide which beliefs and opinions are beneficial to us.  Live your beliefs to the fullest and benefit from them daily!
Ideas” Conversation Starters

1.  What ideas shape your life?
2   What beliefs aid you in accomplishing your goals?
3.  How can other people’s opinions impact your life?
4.  Do you think people with strong belief systems enjoy their life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Saturday, March 3, 2012

3/3/12 - “Self - motivated” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/3/12- “Self - Motivated” is the free healthy word of the day is – self-motivated - motivated to do or achieve something because of one's own enthusiasm or interest, without needing pressure from others.

Discuss the word " Self - motivated”” today.  Are you self – motivated?  Many opportunities in life, can be easily realized with self –motivation.  Think of all the self – motivated people you know, they are always accomplishing their goals.  They destroy boredom and procrastination with enthusiasm and sincere interest.  Enjoy motivating yourself and celebrate new accomplishments every day!

Self - motivated” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you self - motivated?
2   What have you needed to motivate yourself to accomplish?
3.  What is the hardest challenge you desire to accomplish?
4.  Do you think self-motivated people enjoy their life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Friday, March 2, 2012

3/2/12 - “Enjoy” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/2/12- “Enjoy” is the free healthy word of the day is – Enjoy - take delight or pleasure in.

Discuss the word "Enjoy” today.  Do you enjoy your life?  Life has countless moments to enjoy.  Do everything in your power to add more enjoyment to your life.  Look for opportunities to enjoy life. Take delight in your life and enjoy every step of the way! 

Enjoy” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you enjoy yourself?
2   What do you enjoy about life?
3.   Who do you enjoy spending time with? Why?
4.  Do you think enjoying life is important?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Thursday, March 1, 2012

3/1/12 - "Trees of Inspiration" - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Hampton Elementary School

Silver Spring Learning Center & Arts @Large
Healthy Words Tree - Brown St.

Healthy Words Tree - Browning

Healthy Words Tree - My House