Thursday, March 22, 2012

3/20/12 - “Invigorate” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

3/20/12- “Invigorate” is the free healthy word of the day Invigorate - give strength or energy to.

Discuss the word "Invigorate” today.  We can invigorate our life everyday.  Our bodies can be strengthened with healthy foods and quality exercise.  We can invigorate our minds with beneficial ideas, conversations, and beliefs.  It’s always wonderful to invigorate a group, individual, or movement with the wealth of energy in our spirit.  Provide strong energy to all you do and enjoy being invigorating today!

Invigorate” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you an invigorating person?  
2   What do you give energy to everyday?
3   Our victims or heroes invigorating?  Why?
4.  Do Invigorating people enjoy their life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

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