2/28/12- “Strength” is the free
healthy word of the day is – Strength
- the quality or state of being strong, in particular; physical power and
energy. The emotional or mental
qualities necessary in dealing with situations or events that are distressing
or difficult.
Discuss the word "Strength”
today. We all receive opportunity,
after opportunity, to strengthen our minds and our bodies. Though it often takes hard work and
consistent repetition, our load gradually grows lighter as we increase or
strength. Prepare yourself
mentally and physically for the challenges you face in life. Be strong in the face of your adversity
and enjoy your increased power and energy. Strengthen your mind with healthy words today!
“Strength” Conversation
1. Do you ever feel Strong?
2 What
can you strengthen in your life today?
Do you strengthen your mind daily?
Why or why not?
4. Do
you think people who strengthen their minds enjoy life?
Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges
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