Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2/29/12 - “Create” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/29/12- “Create” is the free healthy word of the day is – Create - bring (something) into existence.

Discuss the word "Create” today.  Are you consciously creating your life everyday?  Our ability to bring something into existence is magnificent.  We all create elements of our life.  Think of all the instances you needed to create an answer from scratch.   We normally speak of artist as “creative types”, but truth be told, each of us are participating in manifesting our lives.  Each of us are truly “creative types”.  We create our personal style, the interiors of our house, and are over all swagger.  Enjoy the power to bring your dreams, desires, and destiny into existence and create a life tailored just for you!

Create” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you a creator?
2   What can you create today?
3.   Do you think about creating your life daily?  Why or why not?
4.  Do you think people who create their life, enjoy their life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2/28/12 - “Strength” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/28/12- “Strength” is the free healthy word of the day is – Strength - the quality or state of being strong, in particular; physical power and energy.  The emotional or mental qualities necessary in dealing with situations or events that are distressing or difficult.

Discuss the word "Strength” today.  We all receive opportunity, after opportunity, to strengthen our minds and our bodies.  Though it often takes hard work and consistent repetition, our load gradually grows lighter as we increase or strength.  Prepare yourself mentally and physically for the challenges you face in life.  Be strong in the face of your adversity and enjoy your increased power and energy.  Strengthen your mind with healthy words today!

Strength” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you ever feel Strong?
2   What can you strengthen in your life today?
3.   Do you strengthen your mind daily?  Why or why not?
4.  Do you think people who strengthen their minds enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Monday, February 27, 2012

2/27/12 - “Fortunate” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/27/12- “Fortunate” is the free healthy word of the day is – Fortunate - auspicious or favorable, favored by or involving good luck or fortune; lucky.

Discuss the word "Fortunate” today.  Are you fortunate?  Our Perspective often dictates if we describe our lives as fortunate.  When we view life from a perspective of gratitude, we can identify our good fortune.  Be grateful and celebrate your good fortune.  Enjoy the favorable elements of your life and share your good fortune with those you love.

Fortunate” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you ever feel fortunate?
2   What parts of your life are favorable or auspicious?
3.   Is luck the only reason to feel fortunate?  Why or why not?
4.  Do you think people who feel fortunate enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2/26/12 - “Aspire” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/26/12- “Aspire” is the free healthy word of the day is – Aspire - To strive toward an end.

Discuss the word "Aspire” today.  In life we must work to obtain the majority of the desires we acquire.  Be mindful of the effort it takes to accomplish your dreams, goals, and desires.  When we inquire about our desires, we inevitably aspire to get them.  Work is one of the essential ingredients to success.  We must often practice and practice often to see our desires manifested.  Expect to work and bring a grateful spirit to all you do.  Enjoy your desires and aspire to manifest them?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/25/12 - “Attentive” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/25/12- “Attentive” is the free healthy word of the day is – Attentive - paying close attention to something.

Discuss the word "Attentive” today.  Being attentive can be quite beneficial.  It is very important, to pay close attention to everything that is important to you.  When we truly care about people or things we stay attentive.  Be attentive to the valuable elements of your life and enjoy the amazing benefits of consciously caring about your life everyday!

Attentive” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you practice being attentive?
2   How do you feel when you’re being attentive?
3.   Is it important to be attentive?  Why or why not?
4.  Do you think attentive people enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2/24/12 - “Generous” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/24/12 - “Generous” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/24/12- “Generous” is the free healthy word of the day is – Generous - showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.

Discuss the word "Generous” today.  Be generous in your life.  We have many opportunities to give and be a benefit to others.  Think of the extra or surplus you have.  Is there someone who might benefit from your generosity?  Share positive vocabulary, generously with the people in your life.  Enjoy what you have and share generously.

Generous” Conversation Starters

1.  Have you ever been generous?
2   How do you feel when people are generous with you?
3.  Do you seek out opportunities to be generous?  Why or why not?
4.  What positive possibilities are you able to accomplish? 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2/23/12 - “Possible” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/23/12- “Possible” is the free healthy word of the day is – Possible - able to be done; within the power or capacity of someone or something.

Discuss the word "Possible” today.  In life we must take advantage of the endless positive possibilities presented to us.   Explore the “possible” in your life.  Seek out what you can accomplish, exercise the power of your capabilities.  Because we believe it’s possible, it is.  Enjoy your life and celebrate your possibilities!

Possible” Conversation Starters

1.  What is possible in your life?
2.  What challenges are you able to overcome?
3.  Do you have goals you can accomplish, but don’t?  Why or why not?
4.  What positive possibilities are you able to accomplish?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2/22/12 - “Self – development” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/22/12- “Self – development” is the free healthy word of the day is – self – development - the process by which a person's character or abilities are gradually developed.

Discuss the word "Self - development” today.  Self – development is an excellent practice to begin.  Cultivating your positive beliefs, abilities, and character traits will benefit you exponentially.  Take advantage of every opportunity to develop your self.  Life can be very rewarding as you seek out ways to improve yourself.  As you improve your abilities, you improve your chances to benefit others.   Be a treasure to humanity and enjoy practicing self – development.   

Self – development” Conversation Starters

1.  What character trait do you love about your self?
2.  What ability do you practice on a regular?
3.  Do you practice self - development?
4. Does self – development improve your life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/21/12 - “Belief” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/21/12- “Belief” is the free healthy word of the day is – Belief – an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.  Trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.

Discuss the word "Belief” today.  Enjoy your beliefs!  Celebrate every opportunity to express your spiritual, political, or personal beliefs each day.  I believe life is better with healthy words.  I express this belief in all I do.  Live your beliefs today and enjoy healthy words.

“Belief” Conversation Starters

1.  What are your beliefs?
2.  Who do you know with strong belief?
3.  Do you live your beliefs?
4. Does a strong belief system create a more enjoyable life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Monday, February 20, 2012

2/20/12 - “Fun” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/20/12- “Fun” is the free healthy word of the day is – Fun – amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable.

Discuss the word "Fun” today.  

Fun” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you have fun everyday?
2.  Who do you have the most fun with?
3.  Is there ample opportunity to help your friends and family?
4. Do people that have fun enjoy life?  Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/19/12 - “Ample” is the free healthy word of the day - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/19/12- “Ample” is the free healthy word of the day is – Ample - of large or great size, amount, extent, or capacity.

Discuss the word "Ample” today.   There are ample opportunities to be a benefit to humanity.  Think of the passionate feelings you get about people, places, or things.  Our earth has provided every resource humanities needed for the desires we crave.  There are ample rewards and ample opportunities to acquire our desires.  Enjoy our planet and the ample resources it will provide you.

Ample” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you have ample resources to accomplish your goals?
2.  What people do you know with ample resources?
3.  Is there ample opportunity to help your friends and family?
4. Do people who have ample resources enjoy life more?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Sunday, February 19, 2012

2/18/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Breath” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/18/12- The Free healthy word of the day is “Breath” - the power of breathing; life.

Discuss the word "Breath” today.   Learning to breath effectively and deeply is an art.  We often take for granted our ability to breath.  Take a few deep breaths throughout your day.  Ignite your cells with oxygen and enjoy each breath!

“Breath” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you pause and breath?
2.  What benefits are there to deep breaths?
3.  Do you know anyone who mastered breathing?
4. Do people who master breath techniques enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Friday, February 17, 2012

2/17/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Community” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/17/12- The Free healthy word of the day is “Community” - a group of people living together in one place.

Discuss the word "Community” today.  I love the people in my life. All the awesome communities I am priviliged to dwell in. It’s often magical how people meet and create communities.  We all are sharing Earth, everyday we can improve the communities we live in.  As beneficial stewards of Earth, we can enjoy our planet and the various communities that live here.  Cherish the communities you live in and share healthy words.

“Community” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you love your community?
2.  What communities do you live in?
3.  Is a family a community?
4. Do you appreciate your community?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2/16/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Inventive” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/16/12- The Free healthy word of the day is “Inventive” – having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally.

Discuss the word "Inventive” today.   How fun is it to create or design something new or original.  With success being a natural part of our make – up, we love being first.  It’s thrilling to invent solutions to problems.  Creativity is essential to designing one’s life.  Create your life and enjoy your original, rare, and authentic existence. 

Inventive” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you Inventive?
2.  Do you practice being inventive everyday?
3.  What was the most memorable problem you solved?
4. Do you think people enjoy being inventive?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/15/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Bliss” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/15/12- The Free healthy word of the day is Bliss - Extreme happiness; ecstasy.  The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.

Discuss the word "Bliss” today.  Are you living with bliss?  We are all born with the potential to experience bliss.  Some of us experience bliss in long stretches.  Challenge yourself to seek out and enjoy your bliss.  Cherish all authentic happiness and shine with joy!

“Bliss” Conversation Starters

1.  What is bliss?
2.  Are you living with bliss?
3.  Do you enjoy blissful activities? Why?
4. Do you think people enjoy life more when they are connected to their bliss?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2/14/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Sweet” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/14/12- The Free healthy word of the day is Sweet - having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salty, sour, or bitter.

Discuss the word "Sweet" today.  Sweet moments treats, or gestures are very delicious.  How many people appreciate a sweet gesture or honey sweet word or compliment.  We all benefit from the sweet words of encouragement shared by our family, friends, and strangers.  Today is an excellent opportunity to share a sweet word, idea, or moment with a loved one.  Enjoy your life and add a bit sweetness to someone elses day!

Sweet” Conversation Starters

1.  What “Sweet” things do you do for others?
2.  Are you sweet? Why or why not?
3.  Do you enjoy sweet people thoughts or gestures? Why?
4. Do you think sweet people enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Monday, February 13, 2012

2/13/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Worthwhile” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/13/12- The Free healthy word of the day is Worthwhile  - worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance.

Discuss the word "Worthwhile” today.   Time is the only thing we can’t create more of, it’s important that we respect our life.  Life is challenging, yet rewarding.  Make sure the activities of your life match your standards.  No standard is a standard as well, so enjoy your life are and I suggest you spend the seconds of your life as benefit to yourself and others! 

Worthwhile” Conversation Starters

1.  What activities are “Worthwhile” in your life?
2.  Do you feel worthwhile? Why or why not?
3.  What worthwhile activity would you love to do? Why?
4. Do you enjoy worthwhile activities?  How do they benefit you?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Sunday, February 12, 2012

2/12/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Rest” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/12/12- The Free healthy word of the day is Rest - cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.

Discuss the word "Rest” today.   Be sure to get proper rest.  Our bodies refresh, regenerates cells, and regains strength as we rest and relax.  Our lives can move so quickly, it’s important to stop, rest, and chill.  Take a few deep breaths or meditate for a few moments, both activities will benefit your mind, body and spirit.  Enjoy your day and rest, relax, and chill!

“Rest” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you “Rest”?
2.  Do you meditate ? Why or why not?
3.  Have you ever felt better after resting? Why?
4. Do you enjoy rest and do you get enough?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Saturday, February 11, 2012

2/11/12 - Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Dependable” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/11/12- The Free healthy word of the day is Dependable - trustworthy and reliable.

Dependable - trustworthy and reliable.

Discuss the word " Dependable” today.   Be dependable as you go about your affairs.  Reliability and trustworthiness are awesome character traits to strengthen in our lives.  We all benefit when we can trust and rely on one another.  Look for opportunities to be dependable and enjoy the relationship you have with everyone you trust and rely on.  

Dependable” Conversation Starters

1.  Are you reliable?
2.  Do you trust others? Why or why not?
3.  Have you ever relied on someone? Why?
4. Do you enjoy being dependable?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

2/11/12 - "Luminous" Digital booklet - submitted by Healthy Word Advocate Fonde P. Bridges

Friday, February 10, 2012

2/10/12 Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Self - actualize” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/10/12- The Free healthy word of the day is Self - actualize - To develop or achieve one's full potential.

Self - actualize - To develop or achieve one's full potential.  

Discuss the word "self - actualization” today.   It’s truly wonderful to achieve one’s full potential.  As we work, play, and live our lives we have opportunity after opportunity to utilize our full potential.  Share the word “self – actualize” with your friends and family.  Live completely to your potential and enjoy each precious drop of your life!

“Self - actualize” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you feel self-actualized?
2.  Are you fully living to your potential? Why or why not?
3.  Who do you know is living to their full potential?
4. Do people who are self-actualized enjoy life?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/9/12 Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges - “Action” is the free healthy word of the day.

2/9/12- The Free healthy word of the day is Action - The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

Action - The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.    

Discuss the word "Action” today.   It is very important to take action.  Honestly, we all have good great and awesome ideas.  To see our ideas manifest into a shared reality, we must take action.  Every time we accomplish our goals, we increase our self – confidence and enhance our self-image.  Achieve your aims, take action, and enjoy your life!

“Action” Conversation Starters

1.  Do you act on your positive ideas?
2.  Are you accomplishing you aims? Why or why not?
3.  Who do you know that accomplishes their goals often?
4. Is life more fulfilling when you achieve your aims?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

By Fondé Bridges - Healthy Word Advocate 2/8/12 -"Share" is the free healthy word of the day.

2/8/12- Free healthy words of the day is Share - a part or portion of a larger amount that is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.

Share - a part or portion of a larger amount that is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.

Discuss the word "Share” today.   Share at every opportunity.  Sharing with others is a awesome benefit to ourselves and others.  Looking at the larger picture humans living in the U.S. live very well.  Let’s share at every opportunity we can.  Enjoy the healthy word of the day share all the positive and beneficial energy you can with one another.  
“Share” Conversation Starters

1.  Who shares with you?
2.  Are you abundant? Where? Why or why not?
3.  Who do you love to share with?  Why or why not?
4. Is life more fulfilling when you share?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges