Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate Fond Bridges - 1/3/12- Free healthy word of the day is “Inspire” - to animate, as an influence, feeling, thought, or the like, does: They were inspired by a belief in a better future. -

1/3/12 - The free healthy word of the day is “Inspire”.

Inspire - - to animate, as an influence, feeling, thought, or the like, does: They were inspired by a belief in a better future.

Discuss the word " Inspire” today.   Everyday people, places, or things inspire us.  We use inspiration to influence ourselves to succeed.  Ask your child what nouns, verbs, and adjectives inspire them.  Inspiration is vital to our personal and collective accomplishments.  Share inspiration with the people you love! Stay inspired and acquire your desires!

“Inspire” Conversation Starters

1.  Who inspires you?
2. What songs inspire you? Why?
3.  Are you a source of inspiration?  Why or why not?
4. Is life more fulfilling when you ?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Monday, January 2, 2012

Submitted by Healthy Word Advocate Fondé P. Bridges 1/2/12 - The free healthy word of the day is “Healthy” - having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease.


Healthy - having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease.

Discuss the word " Healthy” with your child.   Healthy choices and healthy living are an important part of one’s personal success and enjoying one’s life in general.  Teaching our children to make healthy choices is essential to their short-term and long-term well being.  Share the healthy foods, ideas, and words with your child.  More importantly choose healthy ideas, nutrition, and words for yourself as well. Excellent health is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and the people we love.  Enjoy being healthy!

“Healthy” Conversation Starters

1. What is your favorite healthy food?
2. What healthy choices do you make everyday?
3. Does your child think you make healthy choices?  Why or why not?
4. Is life more fulfilling when people are healthy? Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Submitted by Fondé Bridges - 1/1/12- Free healthy word of the day is “Word” - a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

1/1/12 - The free healthy word of the day  “Word”

Word  - a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or
              sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either
              side when written or printed.

Discuss the word, "Word” with your child.   Words are a vital part of our lives.  We use them to whisper love into our childrens' ears or to share sentiments and ideas with friends.  Words empower us!  Share healthy, meaningful, powerful, and empowering words with your children.  Enjoy the healthiest words on earth in 2012 and share them with the people you love! 

“Word” Conversation Starters

1. What is your favorite healthy word?
2. Do you know 25 positive words ?
3. What is your favorite positive words, sayings, or lyrics? Why?
4. Is life more fulfilling when it’s filled with “Healthy Words” ? Why or why not?

Healthy Word Advocate – Fondé P. Bridges